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Internet Sales Policy

At Aurora Hardwood Northwest, we are committed to offering the finest hardwood flooring selections available. We believe consumer should use every resource available to assist with their selection of Aurora Hardwood Northwest products. We carry many forms of display options in our authorize dealers so you can have the best possible idea on how your wood floor will look. For this reason, we recommend all your Aurora Hardwood Northwest Purchases are done in an authorized dealer location. Hardwood flooring is a significant investment and our experience shows that a consumer can receive a higher value of service through a local flooring retailer. 

However, we understand that many flooring dealers promote their retail store through website; for this we have established the following parameters for anyone displaying our products on-line:

  • Purchase over the Internet will automatically void manufactures warranty.

  • We do not make ourselves responsible for any damages on material purchased online.

  • Retailer will be fully responsible for online sales.

  • We will only ship to dealer locations: further shipping will be consumers or retailer's responsibility.

  • Flooring prices are not to be listed on any websites. The terminology "Contact Us For Pricing" is the only acceptable verbiage.

We Refuse to service any retailer who does not follow this guidelines. 




22441 72nd Ave S Kent WA 98032

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©2017 by Aurora Hardwood Northwest. Proudly created with By Patrick

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